Welcome to Da Ming Acupuncture and Herb Center, the natural healing center you’ve been seeking for your difficult eye problems and other health concerns. Here we provide high quality services for your health needs. Our healing philosophy is an integration of the ancient and the modern.

Ancient Chinese practitioners developed a complete medical system based on the balance of yin and yang. Its great contribution has been affirmed by the practice in past thousands of years. Modern science discovers more detailed info about human body, diseases, acupuncture and herbs on a scientific basis,and, therefore, injects new vitality to this old medical system. Clinical experiences in past decades have repeatedly demonstrated that the integration of the two will improve treatment effects.

  • Myopia

    TCM therapies may improve the condition at any stage but may cure it only at the very early time. In the past, majority of myopic kids unfortunately lost the chance of cure. Don’t repeat the regret.

  • Adult Amblyopia

    Although generally recognized as incurable, TCM can still make the vision better or normal. Starting the treatment early gives better results.

  • Children's Amblyopia

    Both can be improved or cured even when previous treatments have failed or the kids have been more than 7 years old.

  • Children's Binocular Low Vision

    If eye doctors only advise glasses without other treatments or diagnosis, and vision does not improve after months, TCM treatments may improve the vision or make it normal. Delaying the treatments may compromise the prognosis.

  • Macular Degeneration

    Treated by top experts for Years without effect? Most expensive drugs not helping? Patented herb extract composition may improve your vision.

  • Retinitis Pigmentosa

    Although no effective treatment available in main stream medicine, TCM may improve the condition, manifested in increased vision. Commonly 1-2 lines, 3 is the best so far we have seen.

  • Optic Atrophy

    The vision does improve with TCM even though western medicine believes there is no treatment. It sounds incredible but is reasonable.

  • Severe Depression

    If no improvement by antidepressants, little needles may have the happy life return without any side effects like those with the medication.

  • Stubborn Pain and Injuries

    Although not recovered after having tried all kinds of treatments, do not give up. Concentrated herb extracts application plus electro-acupuncture may give you a satisfaction.