Retinitis Pigmentosa

Retinitis pigmentosa (RP) is a hereditary eye disorder, affecting the retina, optic nerve and retinal blood vessels. In RP, sight loss is gradual but progressive. In most cases the early symptoms of RP develop between the ages of 10 - 30. The most common first symptom is difficulty in seeing in poor light or at night (night –blindness). A second symptom is reduction of the visual field, in which sight is lost from the sides, or from above and below. This is often referred to as tunnel vision. Central vision may be affected as well. It may even happen first in very few cases. Treatment 1. Main-stream medicine treatment: Currently, no treatment is available to cure RP or arrest its progress. 2. Traditional Chinese medicine(TCM) treatment: Chinese herb extract composition ( CHEC) can act on all the aspects of the pathologic changes and, therefore, may improve the condition. Most patients may gain some vision, dark/light adaptation may get better as well. When the CHEC combined with acupuncture treatment, even better vision can be obtained but the magnitude of the vision increase is still small. Mostly 1-2 lines, and a 3- line increase is the best so far we have achieved.