Stubborn Pain and Injuries

The advent of concentrated her extracts makes the pain and injury treatment more effective. The extracts provide much higher concentration than traditional raw herbs when applied to skin of the pain areas with lot better convenience. When combined with electro-acupuncture even better efficacy can be obtained for both acute and chronic pain and injuries. A Marathon runner had her right ankle strained during a competition and the pain and swelling did not reduce after other treatments but mostly recovered after 1 acupuncture and herb application treatment in the office and 2 more  applications at home( Figures 1,2). She then resumed the competition.
Figure 2. Ankle swollen                                      Figure 2.Three days later    
       This kind of treatment is good for chronic pain also. A lady with chronic lower back pain which has been suggested a surgery but the patient want to try a conservative remedy first. The pain reduced after a few treatments and disappeared after 3 months of treatments. She finally resumed her normal activities and is still pain-free after 2 yrs.   A university vice president had chronic back pain from sport injuries which was not well controlled by the medical center. After 2 TCM treatments like mentioned above, the pain was mostly relieved. He said in his letter to Dr. Wu :
“  I do want to compliment you on your wonderful ability to relieve  pain and initiate the healing process. The pain I was suffering when I first saw you was extreme and seemed impossible to relieve. However, through your series of acupuncture and herb treatments, the pain in my back and shoulder was reduced immediately—probably 40%  with the treatment and another 40% with the second. From there, it was simply a matter of fine tuning. 
I heartily recommend your work to anyone who has exhausted other methods of pain relief. Should I again develop problems, I will bypass traditional methods and visit you immediately.”
A mayor who got injury months before wrote: 
“Dr. Wu
This memo is to acknowledge the wonderful treatment I have received at your clinic.  I have been in pain from an injury for over 8 months. My regular doctor only prescribed a daily dose of anti-inflammatory,   which I found did not relieve the pain. I have been in pain every day, and did not want to face taking pain medication daily.
I was referred to   your clinic and after only one treatment found relief. I am impressed with the effect of the treatment  in the short amount of time I have been coming to your clinic. The acupuncture treatments are not painful and have relieved the pain to the point where I can walk comfortably between treatments.
Thank you for providing such wonderful service to this area.  “